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Dr. A. Jerome R. Butler

The Power of Your Destiny Broadcast

Share The Word Broadcast:  1-641-715-3900 x 571096#

SHARE YOUR HOPES AND TALENTS: We are each born into this life with a particular purpose, or mission, a gift to give the world. We will find that whatever is our passion is generally that which is related to our purpose and for which we have a particular gift to develop and share.

We all have dreams and wishes. Unless we do something about them, that is exactly what they remain. It is action that brings our dreams and wishes to life. We can do this by setting goals and taking it step by step until our goals are realized. Never be daunted by those who would discourage you.

Listen to and act on your inner voice, let your life be an adventure! Mistakes and all. After all, it is your life!

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